Get Started in ISPE Engage
Make the most of your experience online by taking these steps to allow others to find and connect with you, engage in meaningful conversations about the topics that matter to you, and build your presence on ISPE Engage.
Log in:
If you have forgotten your login credentials or need assistance with your login information, please email Member Services at
Profile Set-Up:
Tell us about yourself: Upload a profile picture and add some information to your profile so it is easier to find and connect with like-minded peers.

Profile Settings
Customize your profile settings: While on your profile page, click on the tab for My Account. Here you can set up how you want to receive emails from your COPs, how much of your profile you want visible to other members, design the signature area that appears under your discussion posts and more. If you have any questions about what a certain setting means, please email Member Services at for help.
Email Delivery Options: Your frequency can be in the form of a daily or weekly digest–a single email each day summarizing the hottest topics in your community or stay informed in real time with instant alerts.

Build your contact list: Select Directory from the top navigation bar to find connections with individuals participating in ISPE Engage.
Creating a contact list helps identify relationships and build searchable networks. The Advanced Search offers further parameters for making connections.
Join the Conversation

Posting a Message:
1. Navigate to the appropriate Forum from the top menu bar. To publish a post, select the green “Add” button.
2. You can upload attachments (attachments will automatically be added to the specified community library).
3. You can @mention ISPE Engage members.
4. *You can save a draft of the post. The system will also automatically start saving your message once you start adding content. You can schedule a post to go live at a certain time. To access your scheduled posts and drafts, go to Profile > My Contributions tab > My List of Contributions.

Reply to a Discussion:
Reply: Reply to the entire thread.
Reply Privately: Sends a private response to the members
ISPE Engage inbox.
Mark As Inappropriate: If a member's post clearly violates the
Community Terms and Conditions, you can flag it to be reviewed by
the ISPE Engage management team.
Share a Resource:
1. You can access the library by clicking on the Browse > Library Entries tab, in the top navigation bar.
What now?
Let us know you're here: Say hello in the ISPE Open Forum and share what you are hoping to gain by participating.
Ask questions: What do you want to know more about? Have a question about anything from professional development to everyday challenges? There's someone out there with the answer.
Share ideas: Is there a hot topic you want to discuss? How about a lesson you've learned that might help your fellow colleagues? Start a discussion thread to demonstrate your expertise on a topic.
Give feedback: Use your knowledge and experience to answer other members' questions. Just click Reply to the right of any discussion post, or comment underneath a library entry.